02 Apr 2022 -
I know Johnathan Vanderbilt since many years and I’ve always appreciated the passion and the constancy he puts in his musical endevours. I gladly participated as a guest, with some guitar solo, on the songs “Green Forest” e “Gates Of Hollow Earth” taken from his last album under the name of Celtic Hills. The music […]17 Oct 2018 -
In this Sanity Obscure‘s album, dated 26th August 2018, you can hear me playing a guitar solo in the song Technomancer. I got invited in this project by Joshua Leon, guitarist and main composer of the band. He is also the founder of Celestial Serenity, a project in which I played the Chapman Stick back […]17 Oct 2017 -
Minotauro are a great progressive symphonic metal act made up of musicians from Italy, Slovenia and Croatia. They have two official albums out, both published by German labels. In this second album, dated 2017, I had the privilege to play a guitar solo in the song “Seven”. If you like Metal, please follow them on […]24 Oct 2014 -
Celestial Serenity are an internaltional project made up of musicians coming from all over the Earth. I was invited in this band by Joshua Leon, initially to play some guitar solos. In the meanwhile, the original bassist left the project, so I decided to take over his role by embracing the Chapman Stick. CS’s music […]30 Oct 2011 -
On this album I played the guitar solo on the songs “Immolation To Survive” and “Since You Are Gone”. Gone In April are a Canadian band featuring on the bass the incredible Steve DiGiorgio (who does not need any special introduction). When this album came out (it’s their first) they were instead an international musical […]